LifePulsAS - computer system of pulse diagnostics

Hardware-software complex LifePulsAS for assessment of variability of heart rate and interpretations according to the concepts of Ayurveda

Pulse diagnostics, heart rate variability, Dr. Porges' polyvagal theory, the value of the autonomic nervous system, Ayurveda, pulse recording devices - that's what this site presents. The information is intended for those who are interested in a new way and an alternative point of view on the assessment of a person's physical and psycho-emotional state.

It is obvious that a person's pulse is the main parameter by which one can judge the state of health. The pulse is easily felt on the wrists in the area of the radial artery or in the area of the carotid artery in the neck, and the pulse can also be easily heard by the ear in the area of the heart.

Since ancient times, pulse researchers have been trying to record pulse waves on some medium for study.
Simple mechanisms for recording the pulse were invented first.

Currently, various devices and sensors are used to record the pulse. The method of electrocardiography, with the use of electrical contacts and recording of skin bioelectric potentials, has become widespread. These devices are used to assess heart rate variability.
Initially, the study of heart rate variability was carried out using the analysis of electrocardioimpulses, when with the help of mathematical processing we could obtain graphs of cardiointervalograms, histograms of the distribution of cardiointervals, a diagram of the distribution of neighboring electrocardioimpulses, and with the help of the Fourier transform we could make a spectral analysis of the waves present in time-varying electrocardioimpulses.

The heart rate variability (HRV) study is a method for assessing health status and the impact of stress on the human body. Heart rate variability is a small fluctuation in the duration of the heart cycle that changes as inhale and exhale, and from the complex interaction of hemodynamic, electrophysiological and chemical processes occurring in the body. An indicator of heart rate variability is the degree of change in heart rate over a certain period of time time period. The time intervals between consecutive heartbeats are called cardiointervals. The unit of measurement for cardiointervals is milliseconds (msec). If the intervals between heartbeats are relatively constant and vary slightly,then HRV is low. If their duration varies widely, then the HRV is high. A decrease in the degree of pulse variability in a healthy person is considered as a sign of stress regulatory processes.

However, when using the electrocardiography method, from the point of view of oriental medicine, there is a small nuance - the pulses of excitation of the heart are studied, and not the parameters of the pulse wave that propagate through the body after the end of the electric pulse, and Eastern pulse diagnostic methods investigate this peripheral pulse.

LifePulsAS - express test system LifePulsAS hardware and software package is designed to assess the patient's health status by complex analysis of pulse waves of capillary blood filling. Designed for rapid studies of pulsations recorded by a special sensor and subsequent analysis of heart rate variability parameters, taking into account changes in the amplitude of pulse waves . The result of the analysis is an assessment of the patient's condition both in accordance with the methods of the pulse variability test and in accordance with the philosophy of Ayurveda.

Unlike the standard pulse variability test using electrocardiography methods and electrical contacts, the LifePulsAS system uses a photometric pulse sensor. Pulse sensorAs the primary information in this system, the parameters of the real pulse wave of the peripheral pulse are used, and not the pulses of electrical excitation of the heart. Thus, pulse waves are studied, which propagate after the end of electrical impulses of excitation of the heart and the release of blood into the cardiovascular system of the body. This method more fully corresponds of the concepts of Oriental medicine.At the same time, this method allows we to use the entire mathematical apparatus developed to assess the variability of the heart rate using electrocardio monitoring and provides additional information about the change in the amplitude of the pulse wave depending on the state of the body, under the influence of internal and external factors.

Pulse sensor The analysis and evaluation of pulsograms of capillary blood filling is done using standard methods of the pulse variability test. The subsequent interpretation of the results of the pulse variability test is based on the polyvagal theory (the evolutionary theory of the vagus nerve). This allows to proceed to the assessment of the patient's condition from the point of view of the concepts of Ayurveda.
According to this theory, the autonomic nervous system of a person consists not of two, but of three parts. At the same time, the vagus nerve has in its composition an ancient unmyelized part - this is the dorsal branch, which has come down to us from reptiles and a new myelized part - this is the ventral branch, acquired by mammals. Each branch of the vagus nerve is associated with a specific adaptive behavioral strategy. According to this theory, the work of the heart can be influenced by three components. The first is the dorsal system, which autonomously includes the conditional mechanism "freeze, pretend to be dead, be in a daze" in a situation of mortal danger or the conditional mechanism "do not move, digest food" in the absence of mortal danger, while maintaining stress tension. The second is the sympathetic system, which includes the conditional mechanism "fight or run" in an environment of stress and danger, or the conditional mechanism "move actively, play" in the absence of great stress, and the third is the ventral system, which includes the conditional mechanism "make friends, communicate, help" regardless of the presence or absence of an external threat.

The structure of the diagnostic system.
Pulse sensorThe primary information is generated by the pulse sensor from the patient. Structurally, the sensor consists of two parts - a clip with a photometric sensor, which is put on the earlobe and connected to the second part, which is an analog signal converter, which in turn transmits information to the USB connector of the computer. At the same time, the objectivity and reliability of the information received is ensured by stabilizing the supply voltage of the sensor, by not changing the clamping force of the earlobe and using special circuit solutions in the electronic part of the device. In particular, the analog signal conversion module contains filters, an amplifier, an analog-to-digital converter that forms a stream of information for transmission to a computer via usb protocol. At the same time, the device records a pulse wave that has spread through the human body and has been influenced by the functional systems of the body. The parameters of the pulse wave after the completion of the action of an electric exciting pulse on the heart and receiving additional informational influence in the process of passing through the vessels and tissues of the body are investigated. This is consistent with the method of pulse diagnostics of oriental medicine, where the peripheral pulse removed from the heart is examined. The software allows you to display pulsograms on the screen in the form of pulse wave bursts. The time interval between heartbeats, as well as their amplitude, is measured in real time. The analysis and processing of the pulse recording results is carried out in accordance with generally recognized methods, with the involvement of a standard mathematical apparatus for assessing heart rate variability. This takes into account the gender of the patient - male or female and the age of the patient. In addition, it is possible to connect a correction module to account for the patient's body type and temperament. The registry module is used to store the data of the conducted research.

The results of mathematical processing of the patient's pulsograms are presented in accordance with the methodology of the pulse variability test.

√ graphical information
√ statistical data, coefficient of variability and stress level
√ spectral analysis of pulse waves
√ normalized HRV test results
√ brain rhythms
√ heart rate and respiration ratio
√ coherence
√ main report
√ respiratory test
√ biofeedback module
√ drugs select test

Some provisions of the polyvagal theory in relation to the LifePuls soft for interpret the results according to Ayurveda

Based on the polyvagal theory and the study of the conduction of nerve fibers, during the innervation of individual organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavity, as well as muscles and glands of the head, it can be concluded that there is a certain relationship between the frequency ranges, as well as the amplitudes of heart beats with the activation of the branches of the vagus nerve, along with the influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart. Studies have revealed that the dorsal unmyelized branch of the vagus nerve, consisting of thick fibers, is designed to transmit impulses with a very low frequency and affect hollow organs and tissues located below the diaphragm. The ventral myelized branch of the mammalian vagus nerve is capable of conducting signals with a high frequency to affect organs and tissues located above the diaphragm and in the facial part. Studies of spectral analysis and the spectrum of the envelope of rhythmograms allow us to conclude that different frequency ranges of the heart work correspond to different degrees of exposure of individual parts of the autonomic nervous system. The frequency spectrum of changes in cardiointervals can mainly be represented as the result of the control action of the sympathetic nervous system and the separate two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system. The range of very low frequency, when slowly varying waves of the amplitude of the rhythmogram are present, mainly corresponds to the influence of the dorsal branch of the vagus nerve. With the predominance of these frequencies, cardiointervals change very slowly, the heart works very rhythmically and does not correspond to the normal mode of healthy adaptively changing heart function. With a lot of stress and danger, the heart may freeze and the rate of contraction becomes low. This corresponds to a state of stupor and immobility. The amplitude of cardiac emissions in the blood decreases, prolonged stay in this state is dangerous for humans. If there is no immediate danger, then the heart rate may be normal or even higher. At the same time, the state of the body corresponds to the definition of "digest", however, stress stress may persist. The low frequency range, when faster waves of changes in the rhythmogram and heartbeat amplitudes appear, corresponds to the state under the activating action of the sympathetic nervous system "run or fight", as well as "act or play". the high frequency range, when the rhythmogram is saturated with rapidly changing waves, mainly corresponds to the influence of the ventral branch of the vagus nerve. the heart adaptively and quickly changes cardiointervals. This corresponds to a state of increased sociability, readiness to act together and provide assistance if necessary, in the presence of any threat, and a state of lightness, friendliness and calmness, in the absence of danger.

√ Gunas manifestations in the body
√ Doshas manifestations in the body
√ "Five elements" avtivity
√ Chakras activity
√ Aura activity
√ recommendations according to Ayurveda: Mudras, Mantras, Nutrition
√ comparison results by Ayurveda
√ patient's lifestyle

Examples screenshots of software LifePulsAS


A rhythmogram is a graphic representation of the duration of R-R intervals. When building a rhythmogram on the axis of the abscissus is postponed the recording time or number of pulse beats, and on the ordinate axis - the duration of each cardiointerval. In this case, the upper edge of the rhythmogram has a wavelike appearance. It is formed by changing the heart rhythm. The heart rhythm is determined by the property of specialized cells of the heart's conducting system to spontaneously activate, the so-called a property of cardiac automatism. Heart rate regulation is performed by the autonomic nervous system, the Central nervous system and a number of humoral and reflex effects.
When working in real time, the system can detect possible rhythm disturbances and extrasystoles.
Extrasystole is an extraordinary premature cardiac contraction, depolarization and contraction of the heart or its individual chambers, this is the most frequently recorded type of arrhythmia.
The presence of extrasystoles is one of the diagnostic signs. However, to analyze heart rate variability, possible extrasystoles must be removed from consideration, as well as recording artifacts.

Example of a rhythmogram saturated with different frequencies of changes in cardiointervals.

Processed rhythmogram is presented after removing extrasystoles and recording artifacts.
Histogram of R-R intervals and the position of the histogram relative ranges tachycardia, and bradycardia normocarbia. The extension of the area of the histogram indicates the increase in coefficient variability of the heart rate, reducing the area of the histogram - reduction coefficient variability of heart rate and strengthen stress stress. A scatterogram is a graph of the distribution of the measured neighboring cardiointervals with respect to the normal ellipse. The norm ellipse is constructed taking into account the age and gender of the patient.
In the case of the norm, the coordinates of the point cloud should be evenly distributed inside the ellipse.
Interpretation of the Scatterogram:
* the point cloud shifts to the right - there is an increase in the pulse rate.
* the point cloud shifts to the left - there is a slowing of the pulse.
* the point cloud stretches along the larger axis of the ellipse - there is an increase in the pulse rate variability.
* the point cloud is concentrated in a small area - there is a decrease in the heart rate variability coefficient and an increase in the stress stress index.
* narrowing of the point cloud indicates the predominance of the respiratory component in the variability of pulse waves.
* the expansion of the point cloud indicates an increase in the non-respiratory component in the variability of pulse waves.


SDNN - standard deviation of cardio intervals from the average value. Indicates how different the length of all R-R intervals is in General, from their average value. SDNN reflects all the cyclic components responsible for variability during the recording period. This is one of the main indicators of heart rate variability, which characterizes the state of regulation mechanisms.
RMSSD is the square root of the mean squares of the differences between adjacent cardio intervals. This indicator also reflects variability. However, unlike the previous indicator, it is used to evaluate high-frequency components of variability. Its growth reflects an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic regulation link when adapting to loads. This indicator-it reflects both variability and autonomization of the heart rate and correlates with the largest number of others characteristics of the wave structure of the heart rhythm.
HRV coefficient is an integral indicator of heart rate variability and reflects the state of the cardiovascular system according to several criteria.
Stress index or stress indicator reflects the level of psycho-emotional and physical stress.
This parameter characterizes the state of the regulatory centers of the cardiovascular system. The index norm is an index value from 50 to 200. With physical exertion, chronic fatigue, and a decrease in the body's reserves with age, the index ranges from 150 to 500. With angina, psychophysiological fatigue, significant psychological and emotional stress, the stress index reaches values from 500 to 800. An index above 800 indicates a significant violation of regulatory mechanisms. The stress index of more than 900 units can be observed in the pre-infarction state of the patient.


Spectral analysis of the pulse wave structure is used to identify characteristic periods in the dynamics of cardio intervals, assessment of the contribution of certain periodic components to the overall dynamics of changes in heart rate.
Spectral analysis allows us to distinguish periodic components in the heart rate fluctuations in the wave structure of the heart rate:
- fast or high-frequency vibrations (HF component) (frequency range from 0.15 to 0.4 Hz);
- slow or low-frequency vibrations (LF component) (frequency range from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz);
- very slow or very low frequency vibrations (VLF component) (frequency range from 0.04 to 0.015 Hz);

Spectral analysis evaluates the following indicators:

TR (total power spectrum, TF) - reflects the total effect of exposure to the heart rate of all levels of regulation. High values are typical for healthy people and reflect a good functional state of the cardiovascular system, A decrease in the total power of the spectrum is observed with a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system, low stress resistance of the body.
HF high frequency wave power-reflects the activity of the parasympathetic cardioinhibitory center of the medulla oblongata. Increase - at rest, during sleep, with frequent hyperventilation. Reduction - with physical activity, stress, various diseases.
LF low frequency wave power-reflects the activity of the sympathetic centers of the medulla oblongata (pacemaker and vasoconstrictor). High absolute values are observed in healthy people. Reduction - with physical activity, stress, various diseases.
VLF power of very low frequency waves-reflects the activity of Central ergotropic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms of heart rate regulation.
LF/HF (vagosympathetic balance coefficient) - the ratio of low-frequency wave power (LF) to high-frequency wave power (HF).
Increasing the coefficient - when activating the sympathetic nervous system.
A decrease in the coefficient occurs when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated.


Interpreting the test results allows us to indirectly determine the rhythms of the brain

Delta rhythm of the brain corresponds to the state of sleep and low activity
Theta rhythm of the brain corresponds to a state of relaxation, drowsiness, fatigue. The state between sleep and wakefulness.
Alpha rhythm of the brain corresponds to the state of relaxation and closed eyes. The frequency of the alpha rhythm may decrease with anxiety and fear.
Beta 1 rhythm corresponds to the state of ordinary thinking and wakefulness.
Beta 2 rhythm corresponds to a state of emotional stress and tension.
Gamma rhythm of the brain reflects the state of maximum concentration and problem solving.

Example of determining the ratio of respiratory rate and pulse rate.


The frequency of respiratory cycles is one of the main parameters for assessing the state of the entire body.
The algorithm of the respiratory evaluation module allows to get information about the respiratory rate after processing the full schedule of pulse wave recording.
The number of pulse beats per respiratory cycle is an important characteristic of the state of the body.


Coherence (consistency) refers to a special state of the cardiovascular system and brain activity in which there is a certain "synchronization" of these body systems. When the state of coherence is activated, the physiological systems of the body work more efficiently , emotional stability is ensured , as well as mental clarity increases and cognitive functions improve . Positive signals coming from the heart to the brain affect brain function and improve positive emotions, attention, perception, memory, problem solving and intuition. It also significantly reduces uncertainty and stress, which are obstacles to success. On the contrary, unstable and disordered heart rate patterns can disrupt higher brain functions. The "Coherence" module allows you to assess the degree of consistency of the body's systems. The assessment is made by mathematical processing of the results of the pulse variability test. The working window of the module displays a diagram of the main parameters of variability, taking into account the ratio of respiratory cycles and the number of heartbeats, as well as the calculated coefficient of coherence of the body systems.
An example diagram is shown below.



Based on the results of a General assessment of the state of regulatory systems, the program prepares an interpretation of the diagnostic conclusion for help and decision-making by the doctor.

The respiratory test is designed to assess the effect of controlled breathing of the patient on the heart rate. Controlled breathing refers to sufficiently deep breathing (but without hyperventilation) with a certain frequency. At a respiratory rate of 6 per minute, the vagus nerve is stimulated to the greatest extent. For activate the test module, press button. Then the working window of the module will open. The sensor clip is put on the patient's earlobe. When you press the "Start" button, a slowly pulsating circle will appear with a frequency of 6 times per minute. The patient should take deep breaths and exhalations synchronously with the pulsations of the circle. At the same time, pulse waves and a diagram of the distribution of neighboring cardiointervals will be displayed on the screen in real time. The timer will automatically stop at the end of 1 minute.

The rhythmogram of the heart with controlled breathing will be presented on the screen.

Example of a report of respiratory test results:

The result of the test is an assessment of the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to controlled breathing in comparison with the norm.


The biofeedback method is an arbitrary volitional control of body functions in order to improve them normally and correct pathology by means of electronic devices that register and transform information about the state of human organs and systems into visual and auditory signals accessible to consciousness.
Activation of the biofeedback module (biofeedback) is performed by pressing the corresponding menu item in the Recorder window. This leads to the opening of the module tab. The algorithm of the module is organized in such a way that the patient can observe the occurrence of a pulse wave, hear a sound signal, the tonality of which depends on the frequency of the heartbeat, as well as observe the movements of a red ball on a tricolor field. The location of this ball on the vertical axis depends on the magnitude of the cardiointerval between the two heartbeats of the patient in real time. The green color of the field corresponds to the range of the norm (depending on the age and gender of the patient). Pink color corresponds to a range exceeding the norm, blue color corresponds to a range below the norm.

The working window of the biofeedback module

During the session, the patient sees and hears how his cardiovascular and respiratory systems work. The computer module converts changes in the work of the heart into visible and audible feedback signals. When inhaling, the heart rate increases – the red ball on the tricolor field moves up, the tone of the sound increases. When exhaling, the heart rate decreases- the red ball on the tricolor field moves down, the tone of the sound decreases. Volitional control of the movement of the ball allows you to form a type of breathing with synchronization of the phases of breathing and the work of the heart. Conscious management of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing with the help of biofeedback has a healing effect on respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.


The test is based on a homeopathic method of determining the sensitivity of the body to drugs by changing the characteristics of the pulse wave. The method allows you to objectively determine the sensitivity of the human body to drugs before their introduction into the body, that is, to predict the result of therapeutic effects.
In contrast to the subjective methods of the "muscle ring test" or kinesiological testing for the selection of drugs, the test uses an objective instrumental method for assessing changes in the patient's condition.

Example. Drug select test result:


Gunas are one of the main concepts in Ayurveda. Gunas describe the features of the human condition.
An example of displaying the Guna tab is shown below:

1. The activity of the dorsal vagal complex (the unmyelized part of the vagus) correlates with the power of the very low frequency VLF spectrum present in pulse waves. Corresponds to the state of the body "freeze, do not move, go limp, pretend to be dead" From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is TAMAS-inertia, inactivity, inhibition, stupor.
Characteristic - lazy, indifferent, deceitful
2. The activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system (sympathetic trunks, ganglia) is correlated with the power of the low-frequency LF spectrum present in pulse waves.
Corresponds to the state of the body " fight or flight" From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is RAJAS - action, passion, activity, excitement.
Characteristic-materialistic, passionate, greedy, using other people for their own purposes
3. The activity of the ventral vagal complex (the myelized part of the vagus) is correlated with the high-frequency HF power present in the pulse waves.
Corresponds to the state of the body "make friends, communicate, help"
From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is SATTVA-a state of knowledge, purity, harmony, spirituality
Characteristic - friendly, sociable, tolerant of other opinions.

From the idea of the degree of manifestation of each of the three gunas, one can proceed to the idea of the patient's three doshas as a complex of energetic substances. The philosophy of Ayurveda is able to point out the forms of manifestation of various gunas in the doshas - VATA, PITTA, KAPHA. And also display the activity of the "FIVE ELEMENTS"



The analytical module of the diagnostic system LifePulsAS can offer some recommendations for restoring the balance of the patient's condition. It can be MUDRAS, MANTRAS and FOOD.
Healing Mudras are hands and fingers arranged in a special way. Mudras are a way of influencing oneself, thanks to which one can find inner peace and health.

Example of recommended Mudras:

In some cases, the software offers an ambulance to improve the condition if significant deviations from the normal state are detected during the recording of pulse waves.


According to the results of the assessment of the activity of the chakras, the software offers the most acceptable Mantra for restoring balance.

Example of recommended Mantra

Comparison of two research results according to Ayurveda

The comparison module can display the results of two measurements, for example, before and after any influence on the patient. This, for example, can help in assessing the effect on the patient of therapy procedures , acupuncture, dietary supplements, medications, diet, yoga exercises, meditation, listening to mantras, affirmations, and more.

An example of a comparative analysis of the results before and after listening to the OM mantra


The system allows us to see the basic data of all the studies conducted for a particular patient over a long period of time. For example, in a few weeks. We can see how the stress index changed, the value of the total spectral power of pulse waves, as well as graphs of the three component frequencies in the total spectrum of pulse waves. At the same time, we see the general view and can observe what changes occur from the measurement to next measurement. Separately, an averaged frequencies distribution diagram or gunas is presented, which is an integral characteristic that allows us to see the general lifestyle of the patient.

The proposed diagnostic system LifePulsAS is convenient and easy to use and is a type of express diagnosis and can be useful for all human pulse researchers, practicing doctors and specialists in Ayurveda, as well as people who monitor their health.

Lithuania Vilnius

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